Friends of Color (FOC) is an affinity group that is a part of the Atlanta Friends Meeting community.
The group meets at least once and as many as 4 times a year to share their concerns as people of color in the meeting and to build community amongst themselves.
Other functions of the group:
- To determine how the FOC annual budget allocation set by Social Concerns will be spent
- To serve as a sounding board for issues that particularly impact Friends of Color as they arise and particularly those that warrant consulting to the Committee on Undoing Racism in Atlanta Friends Meeting.(CURAFM).
- To welcome Friends of Color into the community within a community and update the mailing list to include those new members (and remove those who move away from the community).
Contacts: Folami Prescott-Adams and Clive Gordon
To join the group, speak with one of the contact people listed above. After that, you can post to the group by sending an email to