Membership: Members of the Nominating Committee are appointed by the Meeting, and has 3-4 members and 2-3 attenders. A Naming Committee, appointed by the Clerk, recommends members for this committee to the Monthly Meeting.
Term: The Nominating Committee usually has three-year, non-consecutive terms. Duties:
1. Matches the talents and interests of members and attenders of the Meeting with the needs of the Meeting.
2. Encourages all attenders and members to enter the life of the Meeting through the various opportunities to serve.
3. Identifies the talents of attenders and members, and provides training when necessary for the various positions.
4. Recommends persons for positions in the meeting, including clerk, other officers of the Meeting, committee clerks, members of Ministry and Worship, appointed members of Care and Counsel and Administration Committees, and representatives to associations within wider Quaker and Christian communities.
5. Presents recommendations for the coming year at 11th Month Meeting for Business and seeks approval from the Meeting during the 12th Month Meeting for Business.
6. Recommends persons to serve the Meeting in various capacities throughout the year as needed.
7. Maintains descriptions of the duties of officers and committees of the Meeting, including an accurate and current list of those serving on each committee. Checks annually with each committee to determine the need for updating the description of the duties. Presents recommendations for changes in descriptions to Monthly Meeting as needed.
8. Works with the Administration Committee to ensure that job descriptions for all staff of the Meeting are accurate and current. These descriptions are brought through Nominating Committee to Meeting for Business for approval.