

The Meeting maintains a small library of materials of interest to Quakers.

All members and attendees – including newcomers – are welcome to borrow materials from the Meeting Library.

The library is located opposite the building’s main meeting area. It is available for browsing whenever the Meetinghouse is open, or by appointment with the Meeting’s Office Manager, available Monday through Thursday, 10:00am to 1:00pm, at 404-377-2474 or at

How to Borrow Library Materials

When you find an item you’d like to borrow, take it to the library desk on the right-hand side of the Library, find the Borrower’s Card in the back of the item, and on the card write today’s date, your name, and a way to contact you (either your email address or your phone number).

Place the completed Borrower’s Card in the box file located in the upper left-hand corner of the desk: the box is labeled BORROWED ITEMS. (Do not bother alphabetizing your Borrower’s Card: the librarian will do this later.)

Keep the item as long as you need to, but do be mindful that other Meeting attendees may also want the opportunity to read it.

When you are finished reading the item, return it to the basket on the library desk that’s labeled RETURNED ITEMS. Do not re-shelve the item:  the librarian will retrieve your Borrower’s Card, replace it in the pocket in the back of the item you have returned, and re-shelve the item.

How to Access the Library’s Catalog

The Meeting Library’s contents are cataloged on the Internet. You can search the catalog via your smartphone or via your home computer at

Search the library’s contents by using the blank search bar to type in a subject, a keyword, an author’s name, or a title.

From the resulting screen of information, write down the call number (shelf address) of any item you’d like to locate. 

How to Donate an Item to the Library

If you have an item you think would be a valuable addition to the Meeting Library, consider donating it, as funds for purchasing or replacing lost Library materials is very limited.

Please keep in mind that the focus of the Meeting Library is information of interest to Quakers: their beliefs, their practices, and their history. The library’s small size means that it can accommodate only very few items about other subjects, no matter how well-written or how suitable they might be in another kind (or large) library collection.

Please donate only items in good condition, with no underlining or highlighted text. 

Place prospective donations on the library desk with a note labeled DONATION.

The Meeting’s Librarian will review each donated item and decide whether or not to add it to the Meeting’s Library. Any item the Librarian deems as falling outside the current written collection development guidelines will be set aside to be given away.