AFM Volunteers
It takes many hands to make Sundays run smoothly, and we are grateful for our volunteers!
You provide so many joyous hands when help is needed – to greet attenders at the door with a welcoming smile as they come to worship; to provide care for the smallest of our attenders in the nursery; to help in First Day School as a Doorkeeper; to set up refreshments (coffee, tea, juice) as we break after that hour of sitting in expectant silence; to clean up after the hubbub of hospitality; and contribute to the success of our monthly potluck lunch. Thank you a million times over!
Volunteer on a Sunday morning to be a Greeter, help in the Nursery, be a presence in a First Day School class, or help set up or clean up after coffee hour. Sign up on the clipboard on the table by the front door or online.
- Online AFM Volunteer Sign Up List
- Guide for Sunday Volunteers (comprehensive 2024/11) – Guidance for Greeters, Welcoming, Coffee Service, Potluck, Nursery & Doorkeepers
- Guidelines for Closing Meeting (rev. 2018/03)