Weekly Meetings for Worship at Atlanta Friends Meeting
- Sundays, 10:00-11:00am:
- Meeting Room, Atlanta Friends Meetinghouse and via Zoom (See Announcement Sheet for virtual access/Zoom details)
- Wednesdays, 9:00-9:30 am:
- Zoom only
Contact: Bert Skellie, 404-680-4799
- Zoom only
- Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 pm:
- Library, (in person) Atlanta Friends Meetinghouse
Contact: Email Alex Zinnes [azinnes@gmail.com] or Clive Gordon [cmgord28@gmail.com]
- Library, (in person) Atlanta Friends Meetinghouse
Quaker Worship Nearby
NOTE that some worship meetings are in-person only, some are virtual via Zoom only and some are a combination. Use contact info to get schedules and participation details or check announcement sheet.
- Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 7:00 pm:
- Macon Worship Group, meeting by Zoom
Contact: Macon Worship Group <maconquakerworshipgroup@gmail.com>
- Macon Worship Group, meeting by Zoom
- First and Third Saturdays of the month, 2:00 pm:
- Macon Worship Group, meeting in person
Centenary United Methodist Church,
1290 College St., Macon, GA
Contact: Macon Worship Group <maconquakerworshipgroup@gmail.com>
- Macon Worship Group, meeting in person
- Fridays, 11:00-11:45 am:
- East Lake Commons
Contact: Email Bert Skellie or call 404-680-4799 for directions.
- East Lake Commons
- Fridays, 8:45 am (when school is in session, confirm at FSA web site link below):
- Friends School of Atlanta
862 Columbia Drive
Decatur, GA 30030
- Friends School of Atlanta
- Sundays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm:
- Stone Mountain Friends Church (Evangelical)
Rock of Ages Lutheran Church facilities
5135 Memorial Dr., Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Contact: Email Stone Mountain Friends Church
- Stone Mountain Friends Church (Evangelical)
- Sundays, 11:00am (email or phone for details):
- Peachtree Friends Meeting
Youth Center building at Christ Church Episcopal
400 Holcomb Bridge Rd., Norcross, GA 30071
Contact phone: 678-374-9229
email: PeachtreeFriendsMeeting@gmail.com
- Peachtree Friends Meeting