Friends of Color

Friends of Color (FOC)  is an affinity group that is a part of the Atlanta Friends Meeting community. 

The group meets at least once and as many as 4 times a year to share their concerns as people of color in the meeting and to build community amongst themselves. 

Other functions of the group: 

  1. To determine how the FOC annual budget allocation set by Social Concerns will be spent 
  2. To serve as a sounding board for issues that particularly impact Friends of Color as they arise and particularly those that warrant consulting to the Committee on Undoing Racism in Atlanta Friends Meeting.(CURAFM).
  3. To welcome Friends of Color into the community within a community and update the mailing list to include those new members (and remove those who move away from the community).

Contacts: Folami Prescott-Adams and Clive Gordon 

To join the group, speak with one of the contact people listed above. After that, you can post to the group by sending an email to